Vintage Sterling-Brand Tinsel Mini Ballpoint Pen Titanium Barrel Finish
February 11, 2024 by admin | Filed under vintage.

Teeccchnicallly, it’s new, but it’s also been lodged within decade old clutter in a ziploc bag, and neglected. Because most of the pen is physically outside of its packaging, as a design choice, I feel more comfortable listing it as “used”, for that reason. Aside from that, it’s never been removed from the packaging, so it’s never been written with. I’ve no idea if all the ink dried up, or not. Sterling is the brand-and talk about a terrible name choice that could get misleading real quick. ? This pen doesn’t seem to have any mention of silver, on the back, where it does bring up a “titanium barrel finish”. So, I’m just gonna say that this CONTAINS NO SILVER!! Although I didn’t look for an etching on the pen, either. But the back makes no mention of any so, nope. There shouldn’t be any. The packaging is a little warped/beat up, but the pen still looks like a pen.

Tags: ballpoint, barrel, finish, mini, sterling-brand, tinsel, titanium, vintage